Dr. Alan Davis of the Ohio State’s Center for Psychedelic Drug Research and Education (CPDRE) is leading a program evaluation of VETS grant recipients. The research team will prospectively observe hundreds of veterans receiving psychedelic therapies using cognitive and behavioral questionnaires. Clinical assessments capture changes in psychological flexibility, with increases in flexibility believed to remediate symptoms of PTSD, depression, and anxiety. The study follows Dr. Davis’ 2019 retrospective study of veterans receiving ibogaine therapy which found significant reductions in suicidal ideation, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, and symptoms of PTSD. Furthermore, the study will canvas veterans undergoing a range of psychedelic therapies while receiving support and resources from VETS programing. Results will direct the optimization of VETS services to maximize the therapeutic impact of psychedelic treatment. In addition, spouses concurrently receiving psychedelic therapy will be observed in relation to their veteran counterpart. Parallel analysis of veterans and spouses has never been conducted, and expands the scope of therapeutic intervention for veterans and their loved ones.


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