LA TIMES: Bill could end holdup for California research on psychedelics and addiction treatment

California lawmakers could soon clear a governmental logjam that has held up dozens of studies related to addiction treatment, psychedelics or other federally restricted drugs.

OPRAH DAILY: A User’s Guide to Therapeutic Psychedelics

From magic mushrooms to MDMA and ayahuasca to ibogaine—everything you need to know before (and after) taking the leap.

THE WASHINGTON POST: Psychedelic drug ibogaine hailed as healing. U.S. patients ask why it’s illegal

Stephen Jones spent three decades in Navy Special Operations, his brain bearing the imprint of traumatic injury. Yoga and a psychedelic called ibogaine eased his suffering. (Michael A. McCoy for The Washington Post)

The Virginian Pilot: VA to explore psychedelic treatments for veterans with PTSD: It could be ‘life-changing,’ retired Navy SEALs say

For the first time since the 1960s, the Department of Veterans Affairs will begin funding studies that may open the door for using plant-based psychedelics to treat military veterans diagnosed with mental illnesses.


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