2025: A Defining Year for Veteran Healing Through Policy Change

VETS’ comprehensive strategy aimed at expanding access to treatment, educating lawmakers and veterans, and building coalitions to foster systemic change.

Empowering Women’s Wellness: Expanding Connection, Healing, and Support at VETS in 2025

As we step into 2025, the VETS Women’s Programs are set to expand and deepen their impact, offering even more opportunities for connection, growth, and true wellness.

New Horizons in Psychedelic Research: VETS' Groundbreaking Collaborations in 2025

In 2024, the landscape of psychedelic-assisted therapy expanded in ways that few could have imagined. As we approach 2025, VETS is proud to lead the charge in groundbreaking research and transformative outcomes. As the New Year approaches, we’d like to highlight several exciting research projects on the horizon.

A Thousand Stories of Hope and Healing: VETS' Journey from Vision to Transformation

The transformation of VETS from one family's healing journey to a leading force in veteran care symbolizes more than just organizational growth—it represents hundreds of lives transformed, families restored, and hope renewed. As we look toward serving our 1,000th grant recipient, we remain committed to our ultimate goal: ensuring that every veteran has access to the healing they deserve.

Coaching and Therapy in Psychedelic-Assisted Healing: Distinct, Complementary Roles for Holistic Support

Coaching and therapy are distinct, yet complementary, approaches to enhancing individual well-being and personal growth. Therapy and coaching are both valuable forms of support—but they serve different purposes, utilize different treatment modalities, focus on different aspects of personal development, and have vastly different educational requirements. Let’s talk about these differences.


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